Orthomed's Learning Academy

Author: Sebastian Menzies   Date Posted:8 December 2022 


Orthomed’s Learning Academy



Up late waiting for kick-off in the World Cup finals? Or perhaps you're looking for the perfect series to binge over the summer? Orthomed’s Learning Academy features a series of excellent lectures delving into the core tenets of neurosurgery and orthopaedic surgery.


Watch webinars for free or scroll to receive a 50% discount on one of the comprehensive online courses


Mechanics and Metallurgy


Progress from consolidating your understanding of stress, strain, strength and stiffness through to considering the implications of your clinical decisions and how different constructs will affect the material properties of implants you use.




Bone Healing and Grafting




Intentionally stepping back into some of the most basic orthopaedic principles — bone healing. And, like a healing bone, this webinar bridges and remodels those principles with a focus on bone grafts before applying them to a series of clinical case discussions.


Neurosurgical Instrumentation and Techniques


“...and once you get close to the nerve roots or dura, then everything slows down, and you are just as careful as possible…”




Comprehensive Online Courses


Sign up before 31 December 2022 to one of the online courses and receive a 50% discount using the following coupon codes

Learn about canine cruciate ligament deficiency and MMP online 


Learn the fundamentals of patellar luxation and RidgeStop online


Learn the fundamentals of fracture repair and in-depth training on the SOP system







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